Books on Spiritual Healing, Light Codes and Light Language
Powerful international bestselling books on spiritual healing, light codes and light language. These books are available via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other fine retailers and bookstores.
Light Codes for the Soul
This international bestselling book takes you on a journey to connect with the divine and All That Is.
The Little Book of Light Codes
52 channelled, healing Light Codes from the Universe, each designed to help you on your unique and individual path.
Light Codes Oracle Cards
The Oracle Cards are the perfect accompaniment and enhancement to the Little Book of Light Codes.
Ascension Codes: The Little Book of Light Codes Volume 2
In this sequil, you will find 36 high vibrational, healing symbols and channeled messages of enlightenment for humanity.
“I am opening your book – every morning – to a ‘random’ page and read/meditate to the light code and your text. Your book is a treasure.”
– Andreas Thomma
Little Book of Light Codes
Little book of light codes contains a series of 52 symbols which are channeled, healing Codes of Light from the Universe, designed to help human beings along on our unique and individual paths. Through the visual assistance of the symbols, your journey to peace and happiness is brought forth in a unique way. The Light Language has been developed and given to us at this time to assist in our spiritual healing, releasing our pain and suffering, while bringing more love, abundance, and harmony into our hearts and lives.
As you move through the book, you may experience release, change, and even total transformation in your physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual bodies. Just flow with it! Follow your inner guidance and intuition―and trust the unfolding. The time has come to take back your personal power with the strength and Love you hold within your Heart. Humanity is at a crossroads: heal and ascend, or continue walking through darkness.
Light Codes for the Soul
Light Codes for the Soul takes you on a journey to reconnect to the sacred, sublime you. As you navigate this series of channelled, high-vibrational energies, you can connect fully to All That Is, engage with empowering healing frequencies and awaken your authentic self. Discover the common wounds humanity shares, and find greater levels of peace, harmony and empowerment!
Light Codes for the Soul is a gift of self-love and care that can bring you profound healing. It is a roadmap that shows you the way home: back to the spiritual wisdom, truth, and energy that feeds you, body, mind, and soul.
Light Codes Oracle Cards
Now you can work with The Little Book of Light Codes in color! These beautiful cards are a companion to The Little Book of Light Codes, and can be used for self or professional healing. Pick a symbol for the day, place it on your alter or a special place in your home to radiate the energies of that symbol into your space. The deck contains all 52 channelled symbols of Light on individual cards.
These powerful cards can enhance your experience with Light Codes, and offers a handy option for multiple uses. Check out Laara’s online workshops for Working with Light Codes to learn more!
Little Book of Light Codes Journal
A perfect supplement for your journey with The Little Book of Light Codes! This journal contains all 52 channelled, healing Codes of Light from The Little Book of Light Codes, so you can easily note your experiences. Filled with blank and ruled pages, so you can express yourself through writing and drawing! Makes a wonderful companion to the book and oracle card deck!
Little Book of Light Codes Volume 2 : Ascension Codes
A collection of thirty-six sacred, channeled Light Codes to help you deepen your journey back to your eternal self. These powerful Codes are offered to give us the appropriate nudges and guidance for the purpose of connecting with the last symbol found in this book.
In this sequel to The Little Book of Light Codes, you’ll find high vibrational, healing symbols of Light sent from the universe to offer healing and enlightenment for humanity. Accompanying each Code are channeled messages, meditations, and practices, to enhance and support the symbols’ energies and spiritual wisdoms. This book offers assistance in finding truth—not only your own truth, but also the truth of the universe. These powerful Codes are offered to give us the appropriate nudges and guidance for the purpose of connecting with the last symbol found in this book: The Godhead.
Kind words from clients
“The Little Book of Light Codes is an extraordinary gift to the world. I am excited that something of such great value to all people is finally here. Laara, you have created complete access to energetic healing. Bless you, for making this book available to all sentient beings. It is a miracle we’ve been waiting for. Much gratitude.”
“I love it. I can’t explain it, but some of the symbols made me sway side to side, some made me sit up tall, some made me lean back and open up my Heart…I know a lot of people are going to love this book as well!”
“I highly recommend this book to anyone on a healing journey. As you work with the fifty-two coded, channeled symbols and Laara’s guided meditations, they will resonate with your infinite, magical potential to transform your own life. You will discover the open, expanded, sacred healing space within and around these symbols, which goes beyond the logical and mundane into the world of fascinating wonders and new possibilities.”
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