Fractalline Healing
Awaken your potential.
Amplify your inner knowledge and wisdom through online workshops with Laara.
Learn, grow, heal and expand your consciousness.
What is Fractalline Healing™?
Fractalline Healing™ is a somatic, meditative, quantum healing modality designed for self advancement and healing.
Fractalline Healing™ is a highly protected space, where you have access to unlimited creativity, energy and guidance. Everything within this space is guarded by the Laws of Love, inviting the explorer to do incredibly deep work, while raising their vibrations to new levels.
Each level 1-5 offers its own wide range of energies and purposes, all of which are useful for different reasons along on your spiritual journey. No level is superior to another – but we do need to begin at Level 1: The Grid in order to “locate” the specific space of Fractalline Healing™.
Why Fractalline Healing™?
This highly sacred location within the quantum field of unlimited potential is available to you for incredible exploration, healing and awakening. If you have previous metaphysical, spiritual, and healing training, bring those techniques and principles into this unique system to be protected and amplified by the Laws of Love.
Some typical uses for Fractalline Healing:
- Connect with spirit guides (level 1)
- Align chakras (level 1)
- Akashic records (level 1)
- Heal relationships (levels 1 & 2)
- Work with twin flame energies (levels 1 & 2)
- Excellent place to work on shadow energies (levels 1 & 2)
- Easy access to the Void (level 2)
- Access to your higher aspects (levels 1-5)
- Infinite range of healing energies (levels 1-5)
- Connect with your highest, most sacred aspect of self (level 5)
Fractalline Healing™ can be used as a powerful distance healing modality for those looking to amplify their professional practice.
The Workshops
These workshops are designed to help you grow and awaken your potential. Everything we do in our workshops is high vibratory, heart-centred and conscious.
Connect with others. Learn new spiritual techniques and skills. Discover beautiful meditations. Learn and ask questions – all from the comfort of your own home.
Each level students will receive beautiful PDF notes and certificate of completion, and access to workshop recordings for a limited time.
We offer Fractalline Healing™ workshops throughout the year. If you don’t see an upcoming workshop for you, check our current courses and free resources.
We are now offering Fractalline Healing Continued Education for all that have completed Fractalline Healing Level 1: The Grid. Please check our website and subscribe to our email list for dates of upcoming workshops.
If you would like anymore information or would like a payment plan on live events, contact us at
For more information on Fractalline Healing™, please check out our dedicated website:
Fractalline Healing Level 1: The Grid
Welcome to Fractalline Healing Level 1: The Grid. In this essential online course, you’ll receive four videos totaling over 360 minutes of content, plus two bonus videos. You’ll also receive beautiful PDF notes with quick steps to make practicing even easier. In this self paced, online class you will be taken through 9 modules covering:
- What Fractalline Healing is
- What the Grid is
- How to locate the Fractalline Healing space
- Practice meditations
- What healing occurs within Fractalline Healing
- How to work with the energies inside the Grid
- Working within the Grid to manifest
- Will qualify you for level 2
By the end of this course, you’ll know how to enter and exit the first level of Fractalline Healing. You’ll have a greater understanding of the incredible potentials held within this space, and you will build confidence in your personal healing abilities. You’ll learn powerful tools for strengthening your energy bodies, as well as how to connect with your higher aspects, spirit guides, akashic records, twin flames, arch angles, ascended masters, and so much more.
Level: Introductory
Price: $111 USD
The particular weekend was the fall equinox on Sept 23, and that next morning, I experienced something very amazing. I woke up around 5:30 in a buzzy vibrating state, and after 30 mins of trying to get back to sleep I decided it was still nice enough to go outside in the back and ground as I watch the sunrise.
Since everybody in the house was still asleep and all the lights out, I noticed my bedroom light click on, then clicked off but clicked back on as if they noticed I wasn’t in my bedroom. So I went inside only to find everybody still asleep, so I went back out to my favorite spot and then all of a sudden I feel the presence of Master Jesus come in with a very warm welcome and congratulations with all sorts of wonderful news of what was to come my way. We talked for 30 mins as I was filled in with all that I was going to be magnetizing and manifesting in Fractalline Healing and that I better get ready for one heck of a ride and it has been nothing short of it.’
Fractalline Healing Level 2: The Platform
The next step for students who have completed Level 1.
Here, we’ll venture deeper into the multidimensional space of Fractalline Healing. This workshop series includes:
- Introduction and a review of Level 1
- Moving in and out of the Platform
- Manifesting
- Shadow Work and the Void
Level: Intermediate
Price: $222 USD
Requirements: As this course requires the completion of level 1, please email for access.
Getting to explore within the grid I have taken all my favorite spots and created a sanctuary that allows me to have a shortcut access to make my time productive while I am not exploring. I am now seeing quantum tools magnetize in, and many new healing modalities that I haven’t explored have been coming in as new ways of exploring them within the Fractalline Grid. It’s been an amazing and life changing few months and I am looking forward to what’s coming next in Levels 3 & 4 as more and more unfolds.’
Fractalline Healing Levels 3 & 4: The Sun
Once we have healed, released, reconnected and embraced ourselves to a certain degree, we will be offered entrance to Level 3 of Fractalline Healing: the Sun.
To be granted entrance to this location and to witness and work with the energies held by the Sun, our baseline vibration needs to be high enough. We increase our baseline energies by entering both levels 1 and 2 of Fractalline Healing regularly.
The Sun is a deeper more sacred level of Fractalline Healing and a space which is not to be missed! Come experience this extraordinary location within Fractalline Healing.
Students must have completed levels 1 and 2 in order to participate. There are no shortcuts with Fractalling Healing, even if you’re a practiced energy worker.
Level: Advanced LIVE EVENT
Time Commitment: Two, 90-minute sessions (sessions will also be recorded)
Dates: TBD
Time: TBD
Price: TBD
What’s Included? Beautiful PDF notes, video recording (for a limited time), certificate of completion. Eligible to attend Fractalline Healing Continued Education workshops!
The Structure
Fractalline Healing can be envisaged as a Rainbow Diamond Plasma Grid encoded with Light Language and Light Codes. Think of it as a beautiful, multi-faceted fractal system with a grid-like structure.
The structure itself can be thought of as Rainbow-Diamond-Plasma—a very high frequency energy displaying the depth of every potential color vibration. Massive downloads and activations for humanity lie within this plasma system. Fractalline Healing activates both RNA and DNA, and restructures blood platelets to carry more information on new levels.
This is a technology which will prove to be an asset for navigating the new 5-dimensional world: The New Heaven on Earth.
Fractalline Healing Level 5: The Hologram
For those who are ready to shatter their belief systems, take command of their life, and stand firmly in their Truth.
This level is a space within the quantum location of Fractalline Healing where one truly takes command of their energy, and work closely with the higher self and soul.
Students must be comfortable in Level 4: Inside the Sun before considering Level 5: The Hologram.
Level 5 is said to be the equivalent of The High Priestess card in tarot; a place where we become the Priest or Priestess of ourselves. This is a level which clearly works with us while we are both inside and outside the meditation of Fractalline Healing, assisting us further with gaining clarity, understanding and integrations of our individual and collective Truth. If you feel ready to dive deeper into the Fractalline Healing system, I am honoured to share this extraordinary space with you.
Level: Advanced LIVE EVENT
Dates: TBD
Time: TBD
Price: TBD
Location: Zoom
What’s Included? PDF notes, 30 day access to workshop recording
Investment: By donation. Suggested minimum donation $350 usd. Payment will be collected after the workshop.
Students must have completed Level 4 in order to participate. There are no shortcuts with Fractalling Healing, even if you’re a practiced energy worker.
Fractalline Healing is a healing system built with steps and levels. It is important that we learn each stage and be comfortable with the process before proceeding to the next offering. The first three levels are focused on self-development. When you receive your Master certificate after completion of the fourth level, you will be qualified to work one-on-one with clients, and teach Fractalline Healing to others.
Students will receive certificates of completion for each level, PDF notes for each session, and video recordings of each session will be available. Students may work with clients after completing any level, but are encouraged to complete the Master level for full integration and competency.
Graduates of the full program will also receive the option of a Quantum Attunement Initiation.
A Message from the Collective Consciousness of Ascended Masters:
“Fractalline Healing is, in part, for connecting the Galactic Being with the heavenly earth plane. The human must first heal enough of its dysfunction, challenges and karma, to access Fractalline Healing at its depths.
Once you go into the Sun, the fourth level of Fractalline Healing, a cascade of upgrades will occur to set your mind on the track for experiencing the New Earth of Heaven. Upgrades to the structure and composition of the DNA and RNA can and will occur as well as deep physical changes to mental and emotional wellbeing. Thought pattern changes and general experience and perceptions can be altered to reflect the heavenly New World. Once this stage is complete, the physical body is now attuned to receive the data that is the Galactic Consciousness.”
Fractalline Healing Continued Education
This workshop is open to anyone who has attended fractalline Healing Level 1: The Grid and above.
In this series we will explore spiritual healings, concepts, laws and lessons which can be applied to Fractilline Healing at any level, or even used outside of Fraactalline Healing! Learn different ways to use energy for yourself and others, and helpful wisdoms which will serve you in your daily life. Each workshop will offer a different theme, but we welcome you to bring your questions on any topic relating to Fractalline Healing.
Topic: Healing the Past (karma and timelines)
Level: Intermediate
Time Commitment: Two, 90-minute sessions (sessions will also be recorded)
Date: TBD 2023
What’s Included? These workshops will be recorded and available to registrants for 30 days via private YouTube link. Notes will not be provided in this series.
Sikta Healing House
Why Sitka Healing House?
We chose the Sitka spruce as a representation of the plant kingdom, the sacred realm in which we can seek connection with the present and grounded energies within ourselves.
The Sitka has become our foundation and symbol for healing and connection to our heart and higher aspects. We resonate deeply with the empowering energies of the great Sitka spruce. This tree is a hardy evergreen, which grows in the northern regions in coastal forests. It’s message is that of resilience, and is a reminder of our ability to tap into our inner resources and accomplish our life’s mission.
The branches of our Sitka Healing House include Light Codes by Laara and Fractalline Healing.
“After having a healing session with Laara I found I was drawn to this new modality of healing. In the 4 sessions of this class I learnt quite a bit about myself going into this sacred space. It is a very indescribable experience. Each of us in the class were able to experience this space so differently and yet simultaneously I was able to feel the presence of other energies in the space. I feel like this was because it is of infinite possibilities and being we were in this class session we are all meant to cross paths in our life journey. The visions in the Fractalline space a beautiful and the new energy friends that are created are beyond my expectations. I cannot wait to take level 2 ,3, and 4 and be able to utilize these new modules in my reiki sessions. This course is for beginners to advanced. I highly recommend it.
Light and Love” – Tracey Elgert, Fractalline Healing Workshop Graduate
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