Our world continues to experience large fluctuations in energy.
In part due to these fluctuations, on a personal level we may find ourselves reexamining parts of our own life. Our examinations may reveal a range of revelations, moving us to instigate life changes.
These instigations can appear through forces outside ourselves, such as a relationship dissolving, or the loss of a job. But they can also present through our own inner desire for personal and inner growth.
In the times when we are called to re-create parts of ourselves, or perhaps simply taking a closer look at how we became the person that we are, we have to chance to up level our consciousness and level of empowerment.
For some people, life changes or reflections (whether perceived as chosen or forced) can invoke feelings of fear, or even feelings of victimization. These are common responses driven by the ego as it tries to keep us safe. As such, these feelings are valid, and deserve our attention in our desire to learn about ourselves and seek higher wisdom. The emotions of the lower self are an important part of our journey as a human, and one of the many reasons why we incarnated on this plane. To feel and live the duality of the universe in a physical body is certainly a challenge, but it is also a wonderful learning experience.
Although there are many things in this 3D reality that are out of our control, the circumstances and dynamics we find ourselves in are more often than not, a purposeful unfolding of soul agreements, entanglements, and redirects to keep us in alignment with our life mission or purpose. Obstacles are the ways in which our higher consciousness helps to keep us on track, whether it be something we must overcome, heal, or simply navigate.
One of the most difficult lessons I’ve had in my life is learning that everything we need to navigate the challenges of the 3D plane for this life is found INSIDE of us. Yes, we do require the knowledge, wisdom and expertise of others. However, when accepting assistance from others, I had to learn how to stand in my power to properly accept it.
Even more challenging to accept is that nothing and no one from the external world has any obligation to us, except to assist in the lessons our Soul chooses to learn.
We are born into this world with the tools to not only survive hardships, but to THRIVE.
As manifestors of our life, we are free to change or enhance any aspect of our experience… but it is up to us to focus ourselves (our energy and our mind), to do so. The more responsibility we take, the more conscious energy we wield, and the more empowered we become.
A common response in discussion around this topic relates to paying bills and the typical realities of the worldly plane. This is a powerful trap, because there is obvious truth in the fact that we need to abide by certain worldly principles such as keeping a roof over our heads. For those caught in the perpetual cycle of working a job you dislike in order to have food on the table, or something of a similar story, know that this is simply a challenge requiring a different perspective. We can’t find the answers to our troubles from the same “level” upon which our troubles were created. There’s something here that your Soul wanted to learn about, and this is why any of us are in the situations we are in.
The invitation is always available for us to expand our consciousness into the multidimensional levels.
We exist on multiple timelines, holding as many different outcomes as there are levels of existence. Our energy, frequency, thoughts, and emotions can draw from any of these timelines and manifest them into current experience. It’s the energy that we hold that is the attractor field for our experience. This is why no one outside of us can change our life path. It’s up to our own energy to cultivate the change, and we do this by becoming more conscious, working with helpful energetic tools such as Light Codes and Fractalline Healing, supporting our minds and bodies with proper nutrition, and practicing positive thinking, with intentions and affirmations. Our experience will continue to unfold until our energy makes a change. The change of energy is the lesson the Soul seeks, and the universe supports the Souls’ desires.
Changing our frequency begins with our thoughts and emotions.
I used to get so upset with people when they suggested I needed to “get control over my emotions.” Haha, they were right. By focusing on triggers, misbeliefs, blocks, and conditionings, a lot of thought patterns and unconscious responses can be altered to support a more healthy and balanced lifestyle. This process requires dedication, daily practices, and possibly support from qualified professionals depending upon your situation. Step by step our inner world changes, becoming a stronger and happier place, and soon our outer world reflects what we feel deep inside.
~ Laara
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