Navigating Life’s Fluctuations and Manifesting Your Reality
Our world continues to experience large fluctuations in energy. In part due to these fluctuations,...
Understanding Chakras: Aligning Your Energy for Harmony
"Align your energy, and the universe will align with you—healing begins within." Chakras are...
Understanding the Integrity of Heart-Centered Light Language
On our journey of spiritual growth, we discover many tools and practices that offer...
Centurian Emotional Body Upgrade
I felt the Centurians calling me very strongly to do a Light Language channeling with them. I have...
The Power of Perception: How Your Beliefs Shape Your Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Well-Being
Is your perception serving your best and highest outcome? Most of us harbor unconscious...
Harmonize with Ascension Energies
Have you noticed the growing intensity of the energy on a personal or collective level over the...
Ascension Symptoms and What to Do About Them
We are in a time of a massive awakening. People around the world are becoming more conscious...
An Evolution of Light Language and Healing Modalities
We know we are in potent and turbulent times because we are in a transition of the Ages. We are...
Knowing the Difference Between Light Language and Dark Language
There are some people out there warning that Light Language is dangerous, claiming it can call...
What are the Benefits of Light Language?
Light Language is, amongst other things, a tool which is becoming more accessible topeople...
2022, A Year for Deepening Self Mastery and Balance
Congratulations on successfully completing 2021, another year on this wild and crazy planet! We...
The Way of the Light Codes, Part 1
As we continue our bumpy transition into the Age of Aquarius, Light Language has made a resurgence...
Navigating the Schumann Resonance with Light Codes
Many of us have been feeling the intensity of the Schumann Resonance as of late, and it’s not...
Channeled Messages: The Reality of 5D
Seeing through the vail is a continuous pursuit. The nature of life on this planet is one of...
Channeled Messages: Dynamics of Emotions
Understanding Emotions with Archangel Raphael and Laara. By Laara I am an emotional person. For...
Peacock Wisdom: Moving into 5D Part 1
Understanding Soul Hierarchy It has become popular in psychology and the spiritual/new age...
Fractalline Healing: A New Global Healing System
Over the past several years, Light Codes by Laara has been developing a new multi-level,...
How to Raise Your Vibration
A healthy body is one which is operating in optimal function, with a clear mind and an open heart....
What the Heck are Light Codes?!
People from around the world have struggled to define Light Codes and Light Language in a complete...
What Kind of Life are YOU Living?
Be clear on what kind of life you want to live! Are you happy and healthy? Stuck in pain and...
How Dark is Your Shadow? Part 2 – Polarity
Are you ready to face your shadow? If you missed my first article where I shared one of my...
Shadow Work Exercise
Shadow work can be as light or as in deep as you choose it to be. It can be an extremely powerful...
Authentic, Joyful Expression through Creativity
The act of joyful creation is a sacred and powerful practice. The process is transformative, as it...
How Dark is Your Shadow? Part 1
Have you ever faced your shadow? I did. Although there were times when it didn’t seem fun… it...
Reactions: An Opportunity for Freedom
“One of our greatest freedoms is how we react to things.”A quote by artist and poet, Charlie...
Everything is Linked Together: Health is for Everyone
You have to eat healthy. You need to exercise. You gotta work, spend time with friends, family and...
Becoming Masterful: Time
Our world is speeding up. Many of us feel time pressure constantly—it demands that we multitask...